SSIS Project Parameters Vs Package Parameters

In this example, we are going to show how to create or configure SSIS Project Parameters and Package Parameters. And also show you the difference between SSIS Project and Package Parameters.

SSIS Project Parameters Vs Package Parameters

In SSIS, Parameters are of two types: Project Parameters and Package Parameters.

  • Project Parameters are something like Global. You can access them from any package present in that project.
  • Package Parameters are similar to local variables. You can access them from the package that we created. You can’t access the package parameter in pakage1.dtsx from pakage2.dtsx

SSIS Project Parameters

Here, we will demonstrate the steps involved in creating project parameters in SSIS. If you look at the Solution explorer, we have Project.params.

Right- click on the Project.params and select the View Designer option from the context menu to create the SSIS project parameter.

When you click on the View Designer option, the following window will open. You can use this window to see the existing project parameter, create a new project parameter, edit the existing one, or delete it.

From the below screenshot, we are creating a new project parameter by clicking the New button.

Create a New Project Parameter in SSIS 3

We assigned the name as ProjectMessage, Data Type as string, and value = Hey!! This is the SSIS Project parameter. Please click the Save button to save the project parameter.

Save the Project Parameters

Now, You can use this Project parameter, i.e., ProjectMessage, in all the packages present in the SSIS Packages folder.

SSIS Project Parameters Vs Package Parameters 6

SSIS Package Parameters

In this example, we will demonstrate the steps involved in creating package parameters in SSIS. To do so, let me create a new package.

If you observe the below screenshot, every new package has a Parameters tab. You can use this tab to create package level parameters. Please click on this tab to create one.

Create Package Parameters in SSIS

The interface for creating package level and project level parameters is the same. Please click on the New button to create new one.

As you can from the below screenshot, we created a new parameter called PackageMessage of type string, and its value is Hi!! This is a Package message.

SSIS Project Parameters Vs Package Parameters 9

SSIS Project Parameters Vs Package Parameters

Here, we use the Script task to display the Message that contains the data from both the Project Parameter and the package parameter. To do so, Drag and drop the Script Task from the toolbox into the Control Flow region.

SSIS Project Parameters Vs Package Parameters 10

Double click on the Script task will open the following editor to configure the Script task components. We already explained the Script task configuration steps in our previous article, so please refer to the same.

Here we want to select the already created parameters. So, please click the … (Browse) button beside the Ready Only Variables property.

Here we are selecting both the Project and package parameter as Read-Only variables.

SSIS Project Parameters Vs Package Parameters 12

Once you have selected the required variable, please click on the Edit Script.. button to write the actual C# or VB Script.

Script Task Editor

Here we are using Message Box to display the message in a pop-up.

C# code we used in the below screenshot is:

// SSIS Project Vs Package Parameters Example
string ProjectMessage = Dts.Variables["$Project::ProjectMessage"].Value.ToString();
string PackageMessage = Dts.Variables["$Package::PackageMessage"].Value.ToString();

MessageBox.Show("Message From Project Parameter is:" + 
                        ProjectMessage + Environment.NewLine +
                 Environment.NewLine +
                "Message From Package Parameter is:" + PackageMessage);
Code in Script Task

Click OK to finish configuring the SSIS Project Vs Package Parameters package. Let us Run the package.

SSIS Project Parameters Vs Package Parameters 15

Let me open another package within this project. From the below screenshot, you can see this is a package that we create in Execute Task in Single Rowset article.

Project Parameters Vs Package Parameters 16

Let me try to access the ones that we created earlier from this script task. As you can see from the below screenshot, we can access the Project parameter but not the package ones.

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