Install SQL Server Data Tools

This article will show you the step by step approach to installing Business Intelligence Development Tools or Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools. We can also say, install SSRS, install SSIS, Data Tools, etc.

Microsoft’s Business Intelligence Development Studio, shortly called BIDS, does not come with the latest SQL Server as it did in previous versions. Furthermore, Microsoft has renamed the BIDS as Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools Business Intelligence.

To download the application, please click on this link: Microsoft Business Intelligence for Visual Studio, select the language (by default, English is selected), and click the download button.

Download BIDS 0

Once the download completes, click on the SETUP will open the following windows.

Click the SETUP.EXE File 0

How to Install SQL Server Data Tools

If you are upgrading from SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2008 R2, or 2012, then select the second option.

In this example, we don’t have any previous installation. So, we are selecting the first option. I suggest you choose the first option: A new stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation.

Choose New stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation 1

On this page, we have to accept the license terms and click the Next button

Accept the Licence Terms 2

The application will look for Global rules. If you find any errors, try to Re-run. Next, it will automatically check for product updates (if any)

It checks the product updates

On the next screen, we have two options:

Perform a new installation: If you installed the 64-bit, then you must select this option. Because Microsoft released only 32-bit.

It means that if you select the second option, you are adding 32-bit components to a 64-bit SQL Server, which will raise architectural problems error.

Install SQL Server Data Tools 4

In the next screen, select SQL Server Data Tools – Business Intelligence for Visual Studio 2013 and click the Next button to install.

Install SQL Server Data Tools 5

Once you click on the Next button, the installation process will start. Once the installation process is completed, Your 2014 installation completed successfully with the product updates window will be displayed. Please click on the close button and start working with the installed Data Tools.

Install SQL Server Data Tools 7

Let me open the application by double-clicking the application to work with SSIS and SSRS.

Open Visual Studio to Create a New Project

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