Informatica Admin Console

In this article, we will show you how to use the Informatica Admin Console page to configure the Repository Service and Integration Service.

In order to open the Informatica Admin Console, Please Go to the Start menu -> Programs -> Informatica -> Server -> Administrator home page.

Informatica Admin Console

Once you click on the Informatica Administrator’s home page, the following Admin console page will open. Please provide the Username and password you specified while installing the Server. Please refer to Step 6 in the How to Install article.

NOTE: Please refer How to install article to understand the steps involved in configuring the Informatica Server and Clients.

Informatica Admin Console 1

Once you log in successfully, you will enter into the Informatica Admin Console. Here, you can see the Domain name and license key that we used for the installation.

Configuring Informatica Repository Service

In order to create Informatica Repository Service, right-click on the domain name -> New -> Power Center Repository Service.. as shown in the below screenshot.

Repository Service

Once you select the Power Center Repository Service.. option following window opens to create a New Power Center Repository Service. Here we have multiple options such as:

  • Name: Please provide any unique name for the Repository service.
  • Description: Please provide a valid description of the repository service
  • Location: By default, our domain is selected automatically
  • License: Select the Licence key from the drop-down list.
  • Node: Select the node from the drop-down list.

Once you fill in the details, please click on the Next button to go to Step 2

Informatica Repository Service 3

Within step 2, we have to specify the database properties in the Informatica Admin console:

  • Database type: Please select the database type you are using. Here we are using SQL Server 2014, so we are selecting MSSQLServer.
  • Username: Please provide the Username to connect with the database
  • Password: You have to provide the password for the database user.
  • Connection String: You can leave the server instance name and the database name.

Next, Please check to mark the version control option. It enables us to change the Operating Mode from Exclusive to Normal mode.

Informatica Admin Console Repository Service 2

Next, click on the Edit button beside the repository properties to edit or change the repository’s default properties.

Repository Service 4

By default, the Repository operating mode will be exclusive. We have to change the Operating Mode from Exclusive to Normal mode.

NOTE: If you forgot to check to mark the version control option in the above step, it would be impossible to change the operating mode.

Informatica Admin Console 5

Click the OK button to change the Operating mode and then enable the Informatica Repository Service by clicking the below-shown button

Informatica Admin Console 6

Configuring Informatica Integration Service

To create Informatica Integration Service in Admin Console, Right Click on the domain name -> New -> Power Center Integration Service.

Informatica Integration Service 1

Once you select the Power Center Integration Service.. option following window will be opened to create a New Power Center Integration Service. Here we have multiple options such as:

  • Name: Please provide a unique name for the Integration service.
  • Description: Please provide a valid description of the Integration service
  • Location: By default, our domain is selected automatically
  • License: Please select the Licence key from the drop-down list.
  • Node: Select the node from the drop-down list.

Once you fill in the details, please click on the Next button to go to Step 2

Informatica Admin Console Integration Service 2

Within step 2, we have to specify the credentials:

  • Power Center Repository Service: Here, you have to select the already created Power Center Repository Service. If you forgot to do so, First create it and then create an Integration service.
  • Username: Please provide the Username to log in to the Informatica Admin Console.
  • Password: Please provide the password to log in to Admin Console.
  • Data Movement Mode: Please leave it to default ASCII mode.

Once you fill in the required details, please click on the finish button to finish creating the New Power Center Integration Service

Integration Service 3

Once you finish creating the New Power Center Integration Service, you have to Enable the service by clicking the below-shown button

Integration Service 4

Well, we successfully configured the repository Service and Integration Service inside our Informatica Admin Console.

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