Go Program to Find Sum of Matrix Diagonal

Write a Go Program to Find the Sum of the diagonal items in a Matrix. In this Go example, we use for loop to iterate the row items and add the matrix diagonal items to the sum (sum = sum + dSumMat[i][I]).

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var i, j, rows, columns int

    var dSumMat [10][10]int

    fmt.Print("Enter the Matrix rows and Columns = ")
    fmt.Scan(&rows, &columns)

    fmt.Println("Enter the Matrix Items to find the Diagonal Sum = ")
    for i = 0; i < rows; i++ {
        for j = 0; j < columns; j++ {
    sum := 0
    for i = 0; i < rows; i++ {
        sum = sum + dSumMat[i][i]
    fmt.Println("The Sum of Matrix Diagonal Elements  = ", sum)
Enter the Matrix rows and Columns = 2 2
Enter the Matrix Items to find the Diagonal Sum = 
10 20
30 50
The Sum of Matrix Diagonal Elements  =  60

Golang Program to Find the Sum of Diagonal elements in a Matrix using For loop range.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

    var dSumMat [3][3]int

    fmt.Println("Enter the Matrix Items to find the Diagonal Sum = ")
    for i, rows := range dSumMat {
        for j := range rows {
    sum := 0
    for k := range dSumMat {
        sum = sum + dSumMat[k][k]
    fmt.Println("The Sum of Matrix Diagonal Elements  = ", sum)
Golang Program to find Sum of Matrix Diagonal