Write a Go program to check whether the given matrix is an identity matrix or not. Any square matrix is an identity matrix if its main diagonal items are ones and all the other values are zeros. Within the nested for loop, we used the if statement (if identMat[i][j] != 1 && identMat[j][i] != 0) to check whether the diagonals are not zeros and others are ones.
If any of the condition is true, assign zero to flag value, and the break statement will terminate the loop. The last If else statement (if flag == 1) prints the result based o notes flag value.
package main import "fmt" func main() { var num, i, j int var identMat [10][10]int fmt.Print("Enter the Matrix Size = ") fmt.Scan(&num) fmt.Print("Enter the Matrix Items = ") for i = 0; i < num; i++ { for j = 0; j < num; j++ { fmt.Scan(&identMat[i][j]) } } flag := 1 for i = 0; i < num; i++ { for j = 0; j < num; j++ { if identMat[i][j] != 1 && identMat[j][i] != 0 { flag = 0 break } } } if flag == 1 { fmt.Println("It is an Idenetity Matrix") } else { fmt.Println("It is Not an Idenetity Matrix") } }
Golang Program to Check the Matrix is an Identity Matrix
In this example, we used Else If to find the identity Matrix.
package main import "fmt" func main() { var rows, columns, i, j int var identMat [10][10]int fmt.Print("Enter the Matrix Rows and Columns = ") fmt.Scan(&rows, &columns) fmt.Print("Enter the Matrix Items = ") for i = 0; i < rows; i++ { for j = 0; j < columns; j++ { fmt.Scan(&identMat[i][j]) } } flag := 1 for i = 0; i < rows; i++ { for j = 0; j < columns; j++ { if (i == j) && (identMat[i][j] != 1) { flag = 0 } else if (i != j) && (identMat[i][j] != 0) { flag = 0 } } } if flag == 1 { fmt.Println("It is an Idenetity Matrix") } else { fmt.Println("It is Not an Idenetity Matrix") } }
SureshMac:GoExamples suresh$ go run matIdentity2.go
Enter the Matrix Rows and Columns = 2 2
Enter the Matrix Items =
1 0
0 1
It is an Idenetity Matrix
SureshMac:GoExamples suresh$ go run matIdentity2.go
Enter the Matrix Rows and Columns = 3 3
Enter the Matrix Items =
1 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
It is Not an Idenetity Matrix