Go Program to Find Product of Digits in a Number

Write a Go Program to Find Product of Digits in a Number using for loop. The for loop condition keeps the number is greater than zero. Within the loop, 

  • prodReminder = prodNum % 10 -> returns the last digit from a number.
  • product = product * prodReminder -> Multiplies the last digit with product.
  • prodNum = prodNum / 10 – It removes the last digit from the prodNum.
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

    var prodNum, product, prodReminder int

    fmt.Print("Enter the Number to find the Digits Product = ")

    for product = 1; prodNum > 0; prodNum = prodNum / 10 {
        prodReminder = prodNum % 10
        product = product * prodReminder
    fmt.Println("The Product of Digits in this Number = ", product)
Go Program to find Product of Digits in a Number

Go Program to find the product of digits in a number using a function

package main

import "fmt"

var product int

func digitsProduct(prodNum int) int {
    var prodReminder int

    for product = 1; prodNum > 0; prodNum = prodNum / 10 {
        prodReminder = prodNum % 10
        product = product * prodReminder
    return product
func main() {

    var prodNum int

    fmt.Print("Enter the Number to find the Digits Product = ")

    product = digitsProduct(prodNum)
    fmt.Println("The Product of Digits in this Number = ", product)
SureshMac:GoExamples suresh$ go run digitsProd2.go
Enter the Number to find the Digits Product = 879
The Product of Digits in this Number =  504
SureshMac:GoExamples suresh$ go run digitsProd2.go
Enter the Number to find the Digits Product = 45
The Product of Digits in this Number =  20

This Golang program call digitsProduct(prodNum / 10) function recursively to calculate Digits’ product in a Number. 

package main

import "fmt"

var product int = 1

func digitsProduct(prodNum int) int {
    if prodNum <= 0 {
        return 0

    product = product * (prodNum % 10)
    digitsProduct(prodNum / 10)
    return product
func main() {
    var prodNum int

    fmt.Print("Enter the Number to find the Digits Product = ")

    product = digitsProduct(prodNum)
    fmt.Println("The Product of Digits in this Number = ", product)
SureshMac:GoExamples suresh$ go run digitsProd3.go
Enter the Number to find the Digits Product = 4789
The Product of Digits in this Number =  2016
SureshMac:GoExamples suresh$ go run digitsProd3.go
Enter the Number to find the Digits Product = 22457
The Product of Digits in this Number =  560