Go program to Find Power of a Number

This Go program uses the math pow function to find the power of a number. To use this function, you have to import the math module.

package main

import (

func main() {

    var pnum, expo float64

    fmt.Print("\nEnter the Number to find the Power = ")

    fmt.Print("Enter the Exponent Value = ")

    power := math.Pow(pnum, expo)

    fmt.Println(pnum, " Power ", expo, " = ", power)
Go program to Find Power of a Number

Golang program to Find Power of a Number

In this program, the for loop iterate numbers from 1 to exponent value. Within that, we are multiplying the given number and assigning it to power.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

    var i, pnum, expo, power int
    power = 1

    fmt.Print("\nEnter the Number to find the Power = ")

    fmt.Print("Enter the Exponent Value = ")

    for i = 1; i <= expo; i++ {
        power = power * pnum

    fmt.Println(pnum, " Power ", expo, " = ", power)
SureshMac:GoExamples suresh$ go run power2.go

Enter the Number to find the Power = 10
Enter the Exponent Value = 2
10  Power  2  =  100
SureshMac:GoExamples suresh$ go run power2.go

Enter the Number to find the Power = 3
Enter the Exponent Value = 4
3  Power  4  =  81