C cbrt Function

The C cbrt function is one of the Math Function, used to find the cube root of a number or a specified expression. The syntax of the cbrt in C Programming is as shown below. The following function will accept a positive value and returns the cube root of it.

double cbrt(double number);

C cbrt Function Example

The math cbrt Function allows you to find the cube root of a given number. In this program, We are going to find the cube root and display the output.

//* CBRT in C Programming Example */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()
    printf("\n The Cube Root Value of 0       = %.4f ", cbrt(0));
    printf("\n The Cube Root Value of 1       = %.4f ", cbrt(1));
    printf("\n The Cube Root Value of 125     = %.4f ", cbrt(125));
    printf("\n The Cube Root Value of 500.36  = %.4f ", cbrt(500.36));
    printf("\n The Cube Root Value of -27.32  = %.4f ", cbrt(-27.32));  
    printf("\n The Cube Root Value of -90     = %.4f ", cbrt(-90));
    return 0;
C cbrt Function to find the Cube Root of a Number

C cube root Example 2

In this C Programming example, we are allowing the user to enter their own value. Next, this program uses the cbrt function to find the cube root of that number.

/* CBRT in C Programming Example */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()
    float number, cubeValue;

    printf(" Please Enter any Numeric Value :  ");
    scanf("%f", &number);
    cubeValue = cbrt(number);
    printf("\n The Cube Root Value of %.2f = %.4f ", number, cubeValue);
    return 0;
 Please Enter any Numeric Value :  125

 The Cube Root Value of 125.00 = 5.0000