C Program to Print Day Name of Week

How to write a C Program to Print Day Name of Week using Else If statement, and Switch Condition with examples.

C Program to Print Day Name of Week using Else If

This C program will ask the user to enter any number between 1 to 7, where 1 is Monday, 2 is Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday, 4 = Thursday, 5 = Friday, 6 = Saturday, and 7 = Sunday. Based on the user entered integer value this program will print the day name.

To accomplish this goal, we are using Else If Statement. But, we strongly recommend the Switch Case approach, which we explained in the second example.

/* C Program to Print Day Name of Week using Else If Statement */

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  int weekday;
  printf(" Please Enter the Day Number 1 to 7 (Consider 1= Monday, and 7 = Sunday) :  ");
  scanf("%d", &weekday);
  if (weekday == 1)
  	printf("\n Today is Monday");  	
  else if ( weekday == 2 )
  	printf("\n Today is Tuesday");  	
  else if ( weekday == 3 )
  	printf("\n Today is Wednesday");  	
  else if ( weekday == 4 )
  	printf("\n Today is Thursday");  	
  else if ( weekday == 5 )
  	printf("\n Today is Friday");  	
  else if ( weekday == 6 )
  	printf("\n Today is Saturday");  	
  else if ( weekday == 7 )
  	printf("\n Today is Sunday");  	
    printf("\n Please enter Valid Number between 1 to 7");
  return 0;
 Please Enter the Day Number 1 to 7 (Consider 1= Monday, and 7 = Sunday) :  5

 Today is Friday

Let m enter the value other than 1 to 7 (something like 12)

 Please Enter the Day Number 1 to 7 (Consider 1= Monday, and 7 = Sunday) :  12

 Please enter Valid Number between 1 to 7

C Program to return Day Name of Week using Switch Condition

It is an ideal C Programming approach to deal with multiple conditions. In this C program, we are using the Switch Case approach.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  int weekday;
  printf(" Please Enter the Day Number 1 to 7 (Consider 1= Monday, and 7 = Sunday) :  ");
  scanf("%d", &weekday);
  switch (weekday)
  	case 1:
  		printf("\n Today is Monday");
  	case 2:
  		printf("\n Today is Tuesday");
  	case 3:
  		printf("\n Today is Wednesday"); 
  	case 4:
  		printf("\n Today is Thursday"); 
  	case 5:
  		printf("\n Today is Friday"); 
  	case 6:
  		printf("\n Today is Saturday");
  	case 7:
  		printf("\n Today is Sunday");
		printf("\n Please enter Valid Number between 1 to 7");
  return 0;
C Program to Print Day Name of Week using Switch Condition 3

Let me try the value outside 1 to 7 (25)

 Please Enter the Day Number 1 to 7 (Consider 1= Monday, and 7 = Sunday) :  25

 Please enter Valid Number between 1 to 7