C Program to find Square Root of a Number

How to write a C Program to find the Square root of a Number using sqrt and without using the sqrt function with an example?

This C program allows the user to enter any integer and then find the square root of that number using the math function sqrt().

int main()
  	double number, result;
 	printf(" \n Please Enter any Number to find : ");
  	scanf("%lf", &number);
  	result = sqrt(number);
  	printf("\n Square Root a given number %.2lf  =  %.2lf", number, result);
  	return 0;
C Program to find Square root of a Number 1

C Program to find the Square root of a Number without using sqrt

This program uses the math function pow to find the square root of a number. As we all know √number = number½

int main()
	double num, result;
  	printf(" \n Please Enter any value : ");
  	scanf("%lf", &num);
  	result = pow(num, 0.5);
  	printf("\n Result of %.2lf  =  %.3lf", num, result);
  	return 0;
 Please Enter any value : 3

 Result of 3.00  =  1.73