C Program to Create Initialize and Access a Pointer Variable

Write a c program to create, initialize, and access a pointer variable with an example. In this example, we declared an integer value, assigned it to the pointer of int type, and printed that pointer value and address.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int num;
    int *pnum;
    pnum = &num;
    num = 200;

    printf("Information of the Normal num Variable\n");
    printf("num = %d Address of num = %u\n", num, &num);

    printf("Information of the Pointer pnum Variable\n");
    printf("num = %d Address of num = %u\n", *pnum, pnum);

C Program to Create Initialize and Access a Pointer Variable

This c program created a char variable, initialized with a random character, and accessed or printed that character pointer.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    char ch;
    char *pch;

    pch = &ch;

    printf("Please Enter Any Charcater = ");
    scanf("%c", &ch);

    printf("Information of the ch Variable\n");
    printf("num = %c Address of num = %p\n", ch, &ch);

    printf("Information of the Pointer pch Variable\n");
    printf("num = %c Address of num = %p\n", *pch, pch);

Please Enter Any Charcater = o
Information of the ch Variable
num = o Address of num = 0x7ff7b26716af
Information of the Pointer pch Variable
num = o Address of num = 0x7ff7b26716af