Java Program to find Area Of Trapezoid

Write Java Program to find Area Of Trapezoid and Median of a Trapezoid with example.

Java Area of a Trapezoid

  • If we know the height and two base lengths, then we can calculate the Area of a Trapezoid using the formula: Area = (a + b)/2 * h. Here a and b are the two bases and h = height of the Trapezoid
  • We can calculate the median of a Trapezoid using the formula: Median = (a+b) / 2.
  • If we know the Median and height, then we can calculate the Area of a Trapezoid as Area = median * height

Java Program to find Area Of Trapezoid

This Java program allows the user to enter both sides and height of the Trapezoid. Using those values, this Java program will calculate the Area of a trapezoid and Median of a Trapezoid.

// Java Program to find Area Of Trapezoid

package Area;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class AreaOfTrapezoid {
	private static Scanner sc;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		double base1, base2, height, Area, Median; 
		sc = new Scanner(;
		System.out.println(" Please Enter First Base of a Trapezoid =  ");
		base1 = sc.nextDouble();
		System.out.println(" Please Enter Second Base of a Trapezoid =  ");
		base2 = sc.nextDouble();
		System.out.println(" Please Enter the Height of a Trapezoid = ");
		height = sc.nextDouble();

		Area = 0.5 * (base1 + base2) * height;
		Median = 0.5 * (base1+ base2);

		System.out.format("\n The Area of a Trapezoid = %.2f\n",Area);
		System.out.format(" The Median of a trapezium = %.2f \n", Median);
Java Program to find Area Of Trapezoid 1

Within this Java Program to find Area Of Trapezoid, the following statement will ask the user to enter base1, base, and height values. And assign the user input values to respected variables. Such as first value will be assigned to base1, second value to base2 and third value to the height

System.out.println(" Please Enter First Base of a Trapezoid =  ");
base1 = sc.nextDouble();

System.out.println(" Please Enter Second Base of a Trapezoid =  ");
base2 = sc.nextDouble();

System.out.println(" Please Enter the Height of a Trapezoid = ");
height = sc.nextDouble();

Next, we are using the Mathematical Formula to calculate the area of trapezoid

Area = 0.5 * (base1 + base2) * height;

In the next line, We are calculating the Median of the trapezoid

Median = 0.5 * (base1+ base2);

The following Java System.out.format statements will help us to print the Perimeter and Area of a rectangle

System.out.format("\n The Area of a Trapezoid = %.2f\n",Area);
System.out.format(" The Median of a trapezium = %.2f \n", Median);

User Entered Values in this Java Program to find Area Of Trapezoid are base1 = 8, base2 = 5 and height = 9

Area of a Trapezoid = 0.5 * (base1 + base2) * height;
Area of a Trapezoid = 0.5 * (8 + 5) * 9;
Area of a Trapezoid = 0.5 * 13 * 9;
Area of a Trapezoid = 58.5

Median of a Trapezoid = 0.5 * (base1+ base2);
Median of a Trapezoid = 0.5 * (8 + 5)
Median of a Trapezoid = 0.5 * 13
Median of a Trapezoid = 6.5

Java Program to find Area Of Trapezoid using Functions

This Java program allows the user to enter both sides and height of the Trapezoid. In this example, we are going to use the logic that we specified in the first example. Still, we will separate the logic and place it in a method.

// Java Program to find Area Of Trapezoid using Functions
package Area;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class AreaOfTrapezoidUsingMethod {
	private static Scanner sc;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		double base1, base2, height;
		sc = new Scanner(;
		System.out.println(" Please Enter First Base1, Base2 and Height of Trapezoid =  ");
		base1 = sc.nextDouble();
		base2 = sc.nextDouble();
		height = sc.nextDouble();

		AreaofRectangle(base1, base2, height);
	public static void AreaofRectangle( double base1, double base2, double height ) {
		double Area, Median; 
		Area = 0.5 * (base1 + base2) * height;
		Median = 0.5 * (base1 + base2);

		System.out.format("\n The Area of a Trapezoid = %.2f\n",Area);
		System.out.format(" The Median of a trapezium = %.2f \n", Median);

Java Area Of Trapezoid output

 Please Enter First Base1, Base2 and Height of Trapezoid =  

 The Area of a Trapezoid = 60.00
 The Median of a trapezium = 10.00 

Java Program to find Area Of Trapezoid using Oops

In this Java program, we are dividing the Area of a Trapezoid code using the Object Oriented Programming. To do this, First, we will create a class that holds methods.

TIP: In general, You don’t have to write the first method. We used this method to show the available options

package Area;

public class AreaOfaTrapezoid {
	double Area, Median, a, b, h; 
	public void AreaofTrapezoid( ) {
		Area = 0.5 * (a + b) * h;
		Median = 0.5 * (a + b);

		System.out.format("\n The Area of a Trapezoid = %.2f\n",Area);
		System.out.format(" The Median of a trapezium = %.2f \n", Median);
	public double TrapezoidArea( double base1, double base2, double height ) {
		Area = 0.5 * (base1 + base2) * height;
		return Area;

Within the Main Java Program to find Area Of Trapezoid, we will create an instance of the above-specified class and call the methods.

package Area;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class AreaOfTrapezoidUsingClass {
	private static Scanner sc;

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		double base1, base2, height, Area;
		sc = new Scanner(;
		System.out.println(" Please Enter First Base1, Base2 and Height of Trapezoid =  ");
		base1 = sc.nextDouble();
		base2 = sc.nextDouble();
		height = sc.nextDouble();

		AreaOfaTrapezoid atz = new AreaOfaTrapezoid();
		atz.a = base1;
		atz.b = base2;
		atz.h = height;
		Area = atz.TrapezoidArea(base1, base2, height);
		System.out.format("\n Second Method: The Area of a Trapezoid = %.2f\n", Area);
 Please Enter First Base1, Base2 and Height of Trapezoid =  

 The Area of a Trapezoid = 108.00
 The Median of a trapezium = 12.00 

 Second Method: The Area of a Trapezoid = 108.00

AreaOfATrapezoid Class Analysis:

  • First, we declared a function AreaofTrapezoid with zero arguments. Within the function, we are calculating the Area and Median of Trapezoid using respective mathematical formulas. Within the function, we used the System.out.println statement to print the output.
  • Next, we declared a TrapezoidArea function with three arguments of type double. Within the function, we calculated the Area of Trapezoid, and we are returning the Value.

Java Program to find Area Of Trapezoid Main Class Analysis:

First, we created an instance/ Object of the AreaOfATrapezoid Class

AreaOfaTrapezoid atz = new AreaOfaTrapezoid();

Next, we are calling the AreaOfTrapezoid method. This method will calculate Area, Median, and print the output from the AreaOfATrapezoid Class itself.


Next, we are calling the TrapezoidArea method. It is the second method with a double data type, and it will calculate Area and return a value. So, we are assigning the return value to the Area variable.

Area = atz.TrapezoidArea(base1, base2, height);

Lastly, the following Java System.out.format statement to print the Area of a Trapezoid, which is calculated by the TrapezoidArea method.

System.out.format("\n Second Method: The Area of a Trapezoid = %.2f\n", Area);