Rounded Edges Bar Chart in Tableau

This article shows how to create a rounded edges bar chart in Tableau using the dual combination, calculated field, and line marks with an example.

Drag and drop the English Country Region Name to the Columns shelf. Then, the Sales amount to the Rows shelf to generate a bar chart.

How to create a rounded edges bar chart in Tableau?

Either use the down arrow to create a calculated field, or double-click the empty space beside the Sales in rows shelf and add 0 as value.

creating 0 Calculated Field

Drag the SUM(0) measure to the Sales Amount axis. Before this, please refer to the following links to check the remaining bar charts.

  1. Bar Chart
  2. Gradient Bar Chart
  3. Grouped Bar
  4. Progress Bar Chart
  5. Side-by-Side Bar Chart
  6. Stacked Bar Chart
Add 0 calculated field on top of measure

To create a rounded edges bar chart in Tableau, please change the Marks from default Automatic to Line type. From the below screenshot, you can see the lines with different angles. But, first, drag the Measure names from the Column shelf to the Path shelf.

Change Mark type from Automatic to Line to create a rounded edges bar chart

Now, you can see the straight vertical bars. Use the Size shelf to extend or increase the bar sizes.

Use Size shelf to increase the rectangle width

Drag and drop the English Country Region Name to the Color shelf to add colors to the rounded edges bar chart.

Add colors to the Rounded Edges Bar Chart in Tableau

You can use the below show button to convert the rounded edges vertical column chart to a horizontal bar chart.

Use toolbar to convert column to bar

Once you click the T button, the data labels will be added to the rounded edges bar chart. However, it adds the 0 axis value as well.

Add Data Labels to Rounded Edges Bar Chart in Tableau

So, expand the Label shelf, change the Marks to Label option from All to Line Ends, and uncheck the Start of Line option label.

Adjust the Labels to display minimum and maximum amounts

Use the format menu to remove their Zero lines as well.

Rounded Edges Bar Chart in Tableau output