The Python log10 math function calculates the logarithmic value of a given number of base 10. This log10 function is more accurate than math.log(x, 10). The syntax of the Python math log10 Function is
Number: A valid numeric expression and
- If the number argument is a positive number, the function returns the output.
- If the number argument is a Zero or a Negative number, it returns ValueError.
- And if it is not a number, it returns TypeError.
Python log10 Function Example
The Python log10 Function calculates the logarithmic value of a given number of base 10. In this example, We find the base 10 logarithmic value of different data types and display the output.
- Within the first two statements, We used the Python log10 Function directly on Positive integer and Decimal values.
- Next two statements, We used it on Tuple and List items. If you observe the above Python screenshot, this Math function calculates the logarithm value of base 10.
- In the next statement, We tried it directly on multiple values
- Next, We tried on the String value, and it returns TypeError: a float is required.
- We tried on Negative value, and it is returning ValueError: math domain error.
- Last, We tried on Zero value. It is returning ValueError: math domain error. Please refer to the logarithm article to understand the log function.
import math Tup = (1, 2, 3, -4 , 5) # Tuple Declaration Lis = [-1, 2, -3.5, -4 , 5] # List Declaration print('Logarithm value of Positive Number = %.2f' %math.log10(1)) print('Logarithm value of Positive Decimal = %.2f' %math.log10(2.5)) print('Logarithm value of Tuple Item = %.2f' %math.log10(Tup[2])) print('Logarithm value of List Item = %.2f' %math.log10(Lis[4])) print('Logarithm value of Multiple Number = %.2f' %math.log10(2 + 7 - 5)) print('Logarithm value of String Number = ', math.log10('Hello'))