The Power BI LOWER function is one of the DAX text functions useful to convert the uppercase string characters to lowercase. This article explains the DAX LOWER function that accepts the text and returns the lowercase characters and the syntax is as shown below:
Power BI DAX LOWER function Example
To demonstrate the DAX LOWER() function, click the New Column button in the Modeling Tab, and name as the LowercaseName. The below expression converts the uppercase characters in a FullName column in each row to lowercase. Next, please add the LowercaseName column to the table report.
LowercaseName = LOWER(EmployeeEmails[FullName])
Similarly, we have created two more New Columns to convert the uppercase Education and Profession columns to lowercase. Please refer to the String and the function article for the remaining Power BI functions. For more Charts >> Click Here.
LowerEDU = LOWER(EmployeeEmails[Education])
LowerPro = LOWER(EmployeeEmails[Profession])