The Power BI LEN function is one of the DAX text or string functions useful to return the length or total number of characters in a given string. This article explains the DAX LEN function that accepts the text to find the length and the syntax is as shown below:
Power BI DAX LEN function Example
To demonstrate the DAX LEN() function, click the New Column button in the Modeling Tab, and name as the ProductLength. The below expression finds the total number of characters in an English Product Name column for each row and returns the length.
Please add the ProductLength column to the table report. Next, click the down arrow to change from the default aggregate value Sum to the Don’t Summarize option.
ProductLength = LEN(DimProduct[EnglishProductName])
Similarly, we have created one more column to find the length of the product description. Please refer to the String and the function article for the remaining Power BI functions. For more Charts >> Click Here.
DescriptionLength = LEN(DimProduct[EnglishDescription])