Tableau Side-by-Side Circles Chart

This article shows how to create a Tableau side-by-side circles chart with an example. It helps to compare multiple dimensions against measures or vice-versa.

Please use the control button to select the English Country Region Name, Color, and Sales Amount and click the side-by-side circles from the Show Me Window.

Use the Show Me window

The desktop will automatically generate the side-by-side circles.

automatically generate tableau side-by-side circles using show me window

Tableau side-by-side circles chart without using Show Me

Drag and drop the English Country Region Name and Color to the Columns Shelf. Next, Sales Amount to the Rows shelf and change the Marks from Automatic to Shape.

Add Multiple Dimensions to Column and single Measure to Row Shelf

Add a Color field to the Color shelf. 

Add Colors to Tableau Side-by-Side Circles Chart

Now, you can see the actual side-by-side circles chart.

The final output

Use the Shape shelf to change the shape from a circle to a star or any other one.

Change the shape of the Tableau Side-by-Side Circles Chart

The Size shelf helps to increase or decrease the size of the marks or stars. 

Increase the Tableau Side-by-Side Circles Chart size

Tableau side-by-side circles using Multiple Measures

Use the control button to select multiple measures and the country dimension and click the side-by-side circle option.

Choosing Multiple measures

The final output of the side-by-side circles is.

Tableau side-by-side circles using Multiple Measures output