SSRS Sinh Function

The SSRS Sinh function is a Mathematical function that returns the trigonometric hyperbolic sine value of the given angle. The syntax of the Sinh function to return the hyperbolic sine value of the numeric field is as shown below.


To demonstrate the Sinh function in Reporting Services, we use the Products table below, which has 14 records. The image shows the records in the table report; the result is in an empty column.

Source Table

SSRS Sinh function Example

For this, right-click the textbox under the Result Header and choose the Expression to open the window below. The Sinh function expression below finds the Hyperbolic sine value of the Service Grade field or column in the Product table.

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  5. SSRS
SSRS Sinh Function expression to find the hyperbolic sine value

Similarly, let me create a new column to the right of the angle and name it Sinh Angle. The SSRS Sinh function below the expression finds the Hyperbolic sine value of the Angle field or column.


Please click the preview tab to see the sinh report. Please use the Round function to adjust the decimal precisions.

SSRS Sinh Function to find the hyperbolic sine value report