Rotate SSRS Report Headers to Vertical

This SSRS article shows how to rotate the report headers from default horizontal to vertical using the WritingMode property with an example. To do this, right-click on the Datasets folder to create a new DataSet.

The below code shows the data set that we use for this example.

The Sql query that we used above SSRS example is:

SELECT Geo.[EnglishCountryRegionName] AS [Country]
,Geo.[StateProvinceName] AS [State],Cust.EnglishOccupation AS Occupation
,Cust.Gender,SUM(Fact.OrderQuantity) AS Orders, SUM(Fact.SalesAmount) AS Sales
FROM DimCustomer AS Cust
INNER JOIN FactInternetSales AS Fact ON Cust.CustomerKey = Fact.CustomerKey
INNER JOIN [DimGeography] AS Geo ON Cust.GeographyKey = Geo.GeographyKey
GROUP BY Geo.[EnglishCountryRegionName],Geo.[StateProvinceName],
ORDER BY [Country]

Rotate SSRS Report Headers to Vertical

We have designed a simple Matrix report of sales values with Sate in the Row group and Customer Occupation in Columns Groups. Please check the matrix report preview.

Next, drag and drop the Gender column to the Columns Groups section to place under the Occupation. It will create a column sub-group of the customer’s gender.

Occupation -> Gender -> Sales. Please check the same in the preview of the Matrix report.

For example, we want to rotate the Occupation headers to vertical so we can see the complete report without using the scroll bar. Then, select the Occupation under the Column Groups and change the Writing Mode property from Default to Vertical.

Rotate SSRS Report Headers to Vertical using WrirtingMode

Let me change the Gender column WritingMode property to Rotate 270 to rotate SSRS Report Headers to Vertical.

WritingMode property to rotate SSRS Report Headers 270

In the report preview, the Occupation headers rotate vertically, and the Gender column headers turn to 270 degrees. The best part is we can see the whole matrix without scrolling horizontally.

Rotate SSRS Report Headers to Vertical Preview