Radio Buttons as SSRS Report Parameters

This SSRS article shows how to use the radio buttons as the report parameters by changing the Data Type from Default Text to Boolean with an example. For this demonstration, right-click on the Datasets folder to create a new DataSet. 

The screenshot below shows the data set we use for this Radio Buttons as a Report Parameters example.


The Sql query that we used above SSRS example is:

SELECT [EmployeeKey]
  FROM [DimEmployee]
WHERE [SalesPersonFlag] = @Flag

If you observe the above query, we have used the where condition with the @Flag parameter. Remember, the Flag value accepts either True or False.

How to use Radio Buttons as SSRS Report Parameters?

The below screenshot shows the EmpDataSet available columns and the automatically created Flag Parameter. Next, to create a table report, right-click on the empty space, select insert, and choose the Table option.

Insert a table

We have designed a simple Employee Sales table report and formatted the font and colors.


If you observe the report preview, we type 0 as the parameter value, and it returns all the employees whose sales Flag is False.

Report Preview

Double-click or right-click and choose the @Falg Parameter Properties option will open the Report Parameter Properties window.

Go to Parameter Properties

Change the Data Type from Default Text to Boolean to display Radio Buttons as SSRS Report Parameters.

Change data Type to Boolean to use Radio Buttons as SSRS Report Parameters

Now, you can see the True and False Radio buttons. 

Radio Buttons as SSRS Report Parameters Preview

Let me select the False flag.

Toggle Radio Buttons as SSRS Report Parameters