In this article, we will show you how to Deploy Reports using SSRS Report Manager. To do this First, Open your Report Manager and check whether it has any existing items or not. If you are opening for the first time, there will be no item, as shown in the below screenshot.
Deploy Reports using SSRS Report Manager
Before we start deploying the SSRS reports using report manager, we need at least one folder to hold the Shared Data Source, Datasets, and SSRS Reports. In this example, we will create three separate folders to keep them. Please refer Create New Folder article for the folders.
Once we created three folders, Please refer to Create Shared Data Source in SSRS Report Manager article to understand the creation of shared data sources.
Please Navigate to Datasets folder and then click on the Upload File button to upload files from the file system
Once you click on the Upload File button following screenshot will be displayed to upload files. Click on the browse button to select the files.
Here, we are selecting CustomerSales.rsd as the dataset
Click Ok button to finish uploading the file
From the below screenshot, you can observe the newly uploaded Dataset in the Datasets folder
Similarly, we are uploading Bar Chart.rdl file (SSRS Reports) under the SSRS Projects folder.
From the below screenshot, you can observe the newly deployed or uploaded SSRS Report in the SSRS Projects folder.
When you are using the Shared Data Source present in the Report Manager, we have to modify the Data Sources of Reports and datasets. To do so, click on the Report will open the context menu and select the Manage option from it.
Once you select the Manage option, the following screenshot will appear. If you observe the below screenshot, It is already showing the error about the shared data source. To configure, please click on the Browse button
Once you click on the Browse button, the following screenshot shows the available folders. Please select the required data Source from the folder. In this example, we are selecting AdventureWorksDW
After choosing the required shared data source, Click Ok button
Don’t forget to click on Apply button
We successfully deployed the required reports using SSRS Report Manager, and we also pointed out the shared Data Sources to reports.
Now, Double click on the report to see the preview