Write a C++ program to find the largest number from the given two numbers. In the below written C++ program, we used the Else if statement to find the largest of two. If (x > y), the first if condition check whether x is greater than y. If true, x is greater than y. Next, else if(y > x) check whether y is greater than x. If true, y is greater than x. If both the above conditions fail, both are equal.
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int x, y; cout << "Please enter the Two Different Number = "; cin >> x >> y; if(x > y) { cout << x << " is Greater Than " << y; } else if(y > x) { cout << y << " is Greater Than " << x; } else { cout << "Both are Equal"; } return 0; }
C++ Program to find Largest of Two Numbers Example 2
The first if condition checks whether both the x and y are equal or not. If it is false, then we used the conditional operator ((x > y) ? x : y) to return the largest of two.
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int x, y, largest; cout << "Please enter the Two Different Number = "; cin >> x >> y; if(x == y) { cout << "\nBoth are Equal"; } else { largest = (x > y) ? x : y; cout << "\nThe Largest value of two Numbers = " << largest; } return 0; }
Please enter the Two Different Number = 89 77
The Largest value of two Numbers = 89
Let me try the other value in this C++ program.
Please enter the Two Different Number = 55 98
The Largest value of two Numbers = 98