C++ Program to find Largest of Three Numbers

Write a C++ program to find the largest number of the given three numbers. We used the Nested if statement in the below-shown program to find the largest of the three.

C++ Program to Find Largest of Three Numbers

The first if condition, if(x – y > 0 && x – z > 0) checks whether x is greater than y and z, if true, x is greater than y. We used a nested If else statement within the else blocks. if(y – z > 0) result is True, it prints y is greater than x and z. If the above conditions fail, z is greater than both x and y.


using namespace std;

int main()
	int x, y, z;
	cout << "Please enter the Three Different Number  = ";
	cin >> x >> y >> z;
	if(x - y > 0 && x - z > 0)
    	cout << x << " is Greater Than both " << y << " and " << z;  
		if(y - z > 0)
	  		cout << y << " is Greater Than both " << x << " and " << z;  
      		cout << z << " is Greater Than both " << x << " and " << y;  
 	return 0;
Please enter the Three Different Number  = 10 20 1
20 is Greater Than both 10 and 1

x= 44, y= 11, and z= 9

Please enter the Three Different Number  = 44 11 9
44 is Greater Than both 11 and 9

x= 88, y= 77, and z= 122

Please enter the Three Different Number  = 
122 is Greater Than both 88 and 77

C++ Program to find Largest of Three Numbers using the Else If Statement


using namespace std;

int main()
    int x, y, z;
    cout << "Please enter the Three Different Number  = ";
    cin >> x >> y >> z;
    if (x > y && x > z)
        cout << x << " is Greater Than both " << y << " and " << z;
    else if (y > x && y > z)
        cout << y << " is Greater Than both " << x << " and " << z;
    else if (z > x && z > y)
        cout << z << " is Greater Than both " << x << " and " << y;
        cout << "Either any two variables are equal or all the three values are equal";
    return 0;
Please enter the Three Different Number  = 33 98 122
122 is Greater Than both 33 and 98

In this C++ example, we used a nested conditional operator (((x > y && x > z) ? x : (y > z) ? y : z).


using namespace std;

int main()
	int x, y, z, largestOfThree;
	cout << "Please enter the Three Different Number  = ";
	cin >> x >> y >> z;
	largestOfThree =((x > y && x > z) ? x : (y > z) ? y : z);
	cout << "\nLargest number among three is = " << largestOfThree;
 	return 0;
C++ Program to find Largest of Three Numbers