The C strrev function is a String Function used to reverse the given string. The syntax of the strrev is
char *strrev(char *str1);
or we can write this string reverse function as:
strrev in C Example
The string strrev function is used to reverse the user-specified string. This program will help you to understand the string strrev with multiple examples.
TIP: You have to include the Programming #include<string.h> header before using this strrev Function.
#include <stdio.h> #include<string.h> int main() { char str[] = "C Programming Tutorial"; char str1[] = "C language"; char str2[] = "Tutorial Gateway"; char str3[] = "C Programming World"; char str4[] = "TutorialGateway"; printf("\n Reverse String is = %s", strrev(str)); printf("\n Reverse String is = %s", strrev(str1)); printf("\n Reverse String is = %s", strrev(str2)); printf("\n Reverse String is = %s", strrev(str3)); printf("\n Reverse String is = %s", strrev(str3)); }
This program allows the user to enter their character array. Next, it is going to use the strrev function to reverse the user-specified string.
#include <stdio.h> #include<string.h> int main() { char str[100]; printf("\n Please Enter any String to Reverse : "); gets(str); printf("\n Reverse = %s", strrev(str)); }
Please Enter any String to Reverse : Tutorial Gateway
Reverse = yawetaG lairotuT