strncat in C language

The C strncat function is a String Function used to append n number of characters from a user-specified string to the end of the existing one. The syntax of the strncat in this C Programming language is

char *strncat(char *destination, char *source, size_t n);

or we can simply write it as:

strncat(str1, str2, string_size);
  • source: A valid string that you want to append to the destination
  • Destination: This is where the function will append the characters from Source.
  • n: The number of characters that you want to append from the Source.

strncat in C language Example

The C strncat function appends the user-specified text to the existing string. This program will help you to understand the strncat with multiple examples.

TIP: You must include the #include<string.h> header before using this strncat String Function.

#include <stdio.h> 

int main()
   	char str1[] = "Learn";
   	char str2[] = "Learn";
   	char str3[] = " C Programming Language";
   	char str4[] = " at";
   	strncat(str1, str3, 40);		
   	printf("\n The Final after the Concatenation = %s", str1);
   	strncat(str2, str3, 10);
   	printf("\n The Final after the Concatenation = %s", str2);
   	strncat(str3, str4, 19);
   	printf("\n The Final after the Concatenation = %s", str3);
	return 0;
 The Final after the Concatenation = Learn C Programming Language
 The Final after the Concatenation = Learn C Program
 The Final after the Concatenation = C Programming Language at

This statement will append all the characters in str3 to str1 because the length of C Programming Language is less than the given size of 40.

strncat(str1, str3, 40);

This function will append the first 10 characters present in str3 to str1 because we are restricting the size to 10.

strncat(str2, str3, 10);

strncat in C Example 2

This program allows the user to enter the source and destination strings. Next, it is going to contact them using the strncat function.

#include <stdio.h> 
int main()
	char str1[100], str2[100];
	printf("\n Please Enter First String  : ");
	printf("\n Please Enter the String that you want to concat : ");
	strncat(str1, str2, 8);
 	printf("\n The Final String after the Concatenation = %s", str1);

Although the given string is valid, the strncat function is only appended up to Tutorial. It is because we restricted the concatenation function to the first 8 characters.

strncat in C Language 2

Let me change the Size value to 16 and see

 Please Enter First String  : Visit

 Please Enter the String that you want to concat : Tutorial Gateway

 The Final String after the Concatenation = Visit Tutorial Gateway