Stacked Barplot in R

The Stacked Bar Chart is very useful in comparing the data visually. Let us see how to Create a Stacked Barplot, Format its color, add legends, add names, creating clustered Barplot in R Programming language with an example.

Before we get into the R Stacked Barplot example, let us see the data we will use for this bar plot example. First, the employee is the date set we used in our previous articles.

table 1

Create Stacked Barplot in R Programming

This R example shows how to create a stacked barplot using external data. We import data from the CSV file using the read.csv function for this example.

I suggest you refer to R Read the CSV article to understand the steps involved in importing a CSV file. And also, refer to the Barplot in R Programming article.

# Read Data from CSV File
employee <- read.csv("Products.csv", TRUE, sep = ",", na.strings = TRUE)

count <- table(employee$EnglishCountryRegionName, employee$Color)

Stacked Barplot in R Programming 2

The following R Programming statement creates a table with records of Countries and colors. Here, column values are unique colors, and row values are unique country names.

count <- table(employee$EnglishCountryRegionName, employee$Color)

Next, we create a bar chart using the above-specified table.


Assigning names to Stacked Barplot in R Programming

In this example, we give names to stacked barplot, X-Axis, and Y-Axis using main, xlab, and ylab.

  • main: You can change or provide the Title for your stacked Barplot.
  • xlab: Please specify the label for the X-Axis
  • ylab: Please select the label for the Y-Axis
  • las: Used to change the Y-axis values direction
employee <- read.csv("Products.csv", TRUE, sep = ",", 
                     na.strings = TRUE)

count <- table(employee$EnglishCountryRegionName, 

        main = "Products Boxplot",
        xlab = "Colors",
        ylab = "Numbers",
        las = 1)
Assigning names to Stacked Barplot in R Programming 3

In this example, we change the stacked Barplot colors using col argument

  • col: Please specify the color you want to use for your barplot. Here, colors differentiate by country names. Type colors() in your console to get the list of colors available in R programming.
  • names: Please specify the names for the stacked. Here, we are changing the names.
employee <- read.csv("Products.csv", TRUE, sep = ",", 
                     na.strings = TRUE)

count <- table(employee$EnglishCountryRegionName, employee$Color)
cols = c("yellow2", "hotpink4" , "brown", 
         "rosybrown2", "seagreen", "royalblue")

        col = cols,
        main = "Products Boxplot",
        xlab = "Colors",
        ylab = "Numbers",
        las = 1,
        names = c("Black", "Blue", "Multiple", "No Color", 
                  "Red", "Silver", "White", "Yellow"))
Stacked Barplot in R Programming 4

Add Legend to Stacked Barplot in R

In this example, we add the legend to the stacked barplot using legend.text argument.

  • If you specify legend.text = TRUE, legend values will automatically assign, or
  • You can use vectors of characters as legend values. For example, legend.text = c(“black”, “blue”, “green”, ..)
employee <- read.csv("Products.csv", TRUE, sep = ",", 
                     na.strings = TRUE)

count <- table(employee$EnglishCountryRegionName, employee$Color)
cols = c("yellow2", "hotpink4" , "brown", 
         "rosybrown2", "seagreen", "royalblue"

        col = cols,
        legend.text = TRUE,
        main = "Products Boxplot",
        xlab = "Colors",
        ylab = "Numbers",
        las = 1,
        names = c("Black", "Blue", "Multiple", "No Color", 
                  "Red", "Silver", "White", "Yellow"))
Add legend

Horizontal Stacked Bar Chart

In this example, we convert the default vertical Stacked Barplot in R into a horizontal bar chart using the horiz argument.

employee <- read.csv("Products.csv", TRUE, sep = ",", 
                     na.strings = TRUE)

count <- table(employee$EnglishCountryRegionName, 
cols = c("yellow2", "hotpink4" , "brown", 
         "rosybrown2", "seagreen", "royalblue")

        col = cols,
        legend.text = TRUE,
        main = "Products Boxplot",
        xlab = "Numbers",
        ylab = "Colors",
        las = 1,
        horiz = TRUE,
        names = c("Black", "Blue", "Multiple", "No Color", 
                  "Red", "Silver", "White", "Yellow"))
Horizontal Stacked Barplot in R Programming 6

Create Clustered Barplot in R Programming

In this example, we create a clustered barplot using the beside argument.

# Clustered R barPlot Example 

employee <- read.csv("Products.csv", TRUE, sep = ",", 
                     na.strings = TRUE)

count <- table(employee$Gender, employee$EnglishOccupation)
cols = c("hotpink4" , "royalblue")

        col = cols,
        beside = TRUE,
        # legend.text = TRUE,
        legend.text = c("Female", "Male"),
        main = "Employees Boxplot",
        xlab = "Occupation",
        ylab = "Numbers",
        las = 1)
Clustered Stacked Barplot in R Programming 7