Python numpy radians

The Python numpy radians is a trigonometric function to convert the angles from degrees to radians. For instance, 180 degrees = π and 360˚= 2π radians.


The syntax of this mathematical method is

numpy.radians(a, axis = None, dtype = None, out = None)

Python numpy radians Example

In this example, we declared two one-dimensional ndarray of positive and negative numbers. Next, this method returns the radians for the given degrees.

import numpy as np

a = np.array([360, 180, 90, 45, -360, -120])

b  = np.radians(a)
[ 360  180   90   45 -360 -120]
[ 6.28318531  3.14159265  1.57079633  0.78539816 -6.28318531 -2.0943951 ]

Two-Dimensional example

In this program, we will declare a two-dimensional array of random values using the randn and randint methods and find its radians.

In the last line, we used out and dtype arguments to change the data type and save the result in a separate array.

import numpy as np

a =  np.random.randn(2, 3) * 15

b  = np.radians(a)

c = np.random.randint(600, 1500, size = 5)

d  = np.radians(c)

x = np.arange(5.)
np.radians(c, out = x, dtype = np.float16)
[[  2.86679441   9.87068155   5.03262747]
 [-15.49569423  -5.01291852  -9.7127809 ]]

[[ 0.050035    0.17227589  0.08783592]
 [-0.27045088 -0.08749193 -0.16952001]]

[1172  877  641 1172  815]

[20.45525883 15.30653754 11.18756051 20.45525883 14.2244334 ]

[20.453125  15.3046875 11.1875    20.453125  14.2265625]