Python min List Function

Python min List is one of the List functions used to return the minimum value in a list. This section discusses how to use this List minimum function with practical examples. The syntax of the Python list min function is


Python min List Function Example

The min function returns the minimum value in a List.

IntList = [100, 150, 60, 80, 120, 105]
print("The Smallest Element in this List is : ", min(IntList))
The Smallest Element in this List is :  60

It is another Python min function example on an integer list.

int_list = [50, 10, 150, 20, 205, 500, 7, 25, 175]
print("List Items : ", int_list)

# Minimum list element
minimum = min(int_list)

print("\nThe Minimum item in this list = ", minimum)

Minimum or Smallest List Item

List Items :  [50, 10, 150, 20, 205, 500, 7, 25, 175]

The Minimum item in this list =  7

list minimum Example 2

In this example, we declared a string list. Next, we used the min function to return the Minimum value in this list. Here, it uses alphabetical order to find the minimum value in a List.

TIP: Please refer List article and List methods article to understand everything about Python Lists.

Fruits = ['Orange', 'Banana', 'Kiwi', 'Apple', 'Grape', 'Blackberry']
print("The Smallest Element in this List is : ", min(Fruits))
The Smallest Element in this List is :  Apple

Python List min Example 3

This python program is the same as the first example. However, this time, we are allowing the user to enter the length of a List. Next, we used For Loop to add numbers to the list.

intList = []

number = int(input("Please enter the Total Number of List Elements: "))
for i in range(1, number + 1):
    value = int(input("Please enter the Value of %d Element : " %i))
print("The Smallest Element in this List is : ", min(intList))
Python Min List Function Example

list minimum Example 4

This Python program allows users to enter their own string or words and then find the min string list.

strList = []

number = int(input("Please enter the Total Number of List Elements: "))
for i in range(1, number + 1):
    item = input("Please enter the Value of %d Element : " %i)
print("The Smallest Element in this List is : ", min(strList))
Please enter the Total Number of List Elements: 4
Please enter the Value of 1 Element : kiwi
Please enter the Value of 2 Element : grape
Please enter the Value of 3 Element : apple
Please enter the Value of 4 Element : orange
The Smallest Element in this List is :  apple

list min Example 5

Let me use this list min function on Mixed List.

MixedList = ['apple', 'Kiwi', 1, 5, 'Mango']
print("The Smallest Element in this List is : ", min(MixedList))

As you can see, it throws an error because it can’t apply < operation on string and int.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/suresh/Desktop/", line 3, in <module>
    print("The Smallest Element in this List is : ", min(MixedList))
TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'str'

list min Example 6

This time, we used the Nested list (list inside a list). Here, the min function uses the first value in each nested list and returns the least or minimum value.

MixedList = [[1, 2], [2, 3], [4, 5]]
print("The Smallest Element in this List is : ", min(MixedList))
The Smallest Element in this List is :  [1, 2]