Export SSRS Report

Reports generated by the SSRS can be exported in a variety of formats which include XML, CSV, TIFF, PDF, Excel, Word, and MHTML. In this article, we will show you the step by step approach to exporting reports generated by the SQL Server Reporting Services

For this example, We are going to use the below-shown DataSet. Please refer to the Shared Data Source and Dataset articles to understand the steps involved in creating Shared Data sources and Dataset that we used for this SSRS report.

The Custom SQL query that we used in the above Dataset is:

SELECT Prodcat.EnglishProductCategoryName,prodSubcat.EnglishProductSubcategoryName,  
prod.EnglishProductName, prod.Color, fact.[TotalProductCost], fact.SalesAmount,
fact.TaxAmt, fact.[OrderDate], fact.[ShipDate]
FROM dbo.DimProduct as prod
INNER JOIN dbo.DimProductSubcategory AS prodSubcat ON
prod.ProductSubcategoryKey = prodSubcat.ProductSubcategoryKey
INNER JOIN dbo.DimProductCategory AS Prodcat ON
prodSubcat.ProductCategoryKey = Prodcat.ProductCategoryKey
INNER JOIN dbo.FactInternetSales AS fact ON
fact.ProductKey = prod.ProductKey
WHERE SalesAmount >= 3500

Export SSRS Report

To explain the steps involved in exporting Reports, We are going to use the below-shown report. Please refer to the Table Report and Format Table article to understand the steps involved in creating and formatting the Table Report, and refer to the Grouping in Table article for Grouping techniques.

Sample 3

Let me show you the Report Preview. Within the Preview tab, if you click on the Save button, it opens the context menu with available export Options. They are:

  • XML file with report Data: The report will be saved in XML format. The file extension will be .xml
  • CSV (Comma Delimited): The Report is saved in CSV (Comma Separated Value) format. The file extension will be .csv
  • TIFF file: Report saved in Tagged Image File Format. The file extension will be .tiff
  • PDF: The report will be saved in PDF format. The file extension will be .pdf
  • MHTML (Web Archive): The report will be saved in MIME HTML format. You can use any web browser to see this file. The file extension will be .mhtml
  • Excel: It will save in the Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet format. The file extension will be .xlsx
  • Word: Report Saved in Microsoft Word Document format. The file extension will be .docx
Available options to Export Report 5

Export SSRS Report to CSV File

In this example, we will export the table to the CSV file. To do this, Please select the CSV option from the context menu

Export Report to CSV 6

It will open the SaveAs dialogue box to save the CSV file. Here you can select the Drive, or Folder (Location) to save this CSV file.

From the below screenshot, you can see that we are selecting the REPORT folder in our E Drive.

Save CSV in file system 7

Let me open the CSV file. As you can see, it is displaying all the records that we generated in the report.

View exported report in csv file 8

Export SSRS Report to TIFF File

In this example, we export the report to the Tagged Image File Format. To do this, Please select the TIFF file option from the context menu

Export Report to TIFF 9

This will open the SaveAs dialogue box to save the TIFF file. From the last screenshot, you can see that we are saving this file to the REPORT folder in our E Drive.

Let me open the TIFF file. As you can see, it displays all the records that we generated in the SSRS report along with the Format (Grouping). Please check the other page in the TIFF file.

View TIFF Report 11

Export SSRS Report to PDF

In this example, we will export the report to PDF format. To do this, Please select the PDF option from the context menu as shown below.

Export Report to PDF 13

From the last image, see we are saving this PDF file to the REPORT folder in our E Drive. Let me open the PDF file. It displays all the records that we generated in the SSRS report along with the Format (Grouping).

View report in PDF format 15

Export SSRS Report to Excel File

In this example, we will export the report to Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Format. To do this, Please select the Excel option

Export Report to Excel File 16

Here, we are saving this Excel file to the REPORT folder in our E Drive. Let me open the Excel spreadsheet. You can see, it shows all the records along with the Format (Grouping).

View report in excel file 18

Export SSRS Report to Word File

In this example, we will export the report to a Microsoft Word Document. To do this, Please select the Word option from the menu

Export Report to Word Document 19

Here, we are saving this Word document in our E Drive. Let’s open the Microsoft Word doc file. 

View Report in Word Document 21

Export SSRS Report to XML File

In this example, we export the SSRS report to XML Format. To do this, Please select the XML file with the report data option

Export Report to XML File 22

Please save this XML file to the REPORT folder. Let us open the XML file in the Microsoft Edge browser. As you see, it shows all the records that we generated in XML format.

View report inXML File 24

Export SSRS Report to MHTML

In this example, we export the report to MIME HTML Format. To do this, Please select the MHTML (Web Archive) option

Export Report to MHTML 25

We are saving this mhtml file in our E Drive. Let’s open the MHTML file in the browser. It displays all the records we generated in the SSRS report along with the Grouping.

View Report as MHTML 27

Let me open the Report folder. Here, you can see all the file formats that we saved in the example.

All Exported Reports in File System 28