C Program to Print Number of Days in a Month

How to write a C Program to Print Number of Days in a Month using Else If statement and Switch Condition with examples?. As we all know, the total number of days in :

  • January, March, May, August, October, and December = 31 Days
  • April, June, September, and November = 30 Days
  • February = 28 or 29 Days

C Program to Print Number of Days in a Month using Else If

This C program will ask the user to enter any number between 1 to 12, where 1 is January, 2 = February, 3 = March,………., and 12 = December.

Based on the user entered integer value, this program will print the number of days in a month. To accomplish this goal, we are using Else If Statement.

/* C Program to Print Number of Days in a Month using Else If Statement */

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  int month;
  printf(" Please Enter the Month Number 1 to 12 (Consider 1 = January, and 12 = December) :  ");
  scanf("%d", &month);
  if (month == 1 || month == 3 || month == 5 || month == 7 || month == 8 || month == 10 || month == 12 )
  	printf("\n 31 Days in this Month");  	
  else if ( month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == 11 )
  	printf("\n 30 Days in this Month");  	
  else if ( month == 2 )
  	printf("\n Either 28 or 29 Days in this Month");  	
    printf("\n Please enter Valid Number between 1 to 12");
  return 0;
C Program to Print Number of Days in a Month using Else If Statement 1

Let me enter the month number as 5

 Please Enter the Month Number 1 to 12 (Consider 1 = January, and 12 = December) :  5

 31 Days in this Month

Let me enter the month number as 9

 Please Enter the Month Number 1 to 12 (Consider 1 = January, and 12 = December) :  9

 30 Days in this Month

This time, we will enter the wrong value: 15

 Please Enter the Month Number 1 to 12 (Consider 1 = January, and 12 = December) :  15

 Please enter Valid Number between 1 to 12

C Program to return Number of Days in a Month using Switch Condition

It is an ideal approach to deal with multiple C Programming conditions. In this program, we are using the Switch Case approach to print the number of days in a month.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  int month;
  printf(" Please Enter the Month Number 1 to 12 (Consider 1 = January, and 12 = December) :  ");
  scanf("%d", &month);
  switch(month )
  	case 1:
  	case 3:
	case 5: 	
	case 7:
	case 8:
	case 10:
	case 12:			  	
	  	printf("\n 31 Days in this Month");
	case 4:	
	case 6:
	case 9:
	case 11:			    	
	  	printf("\n 30 Days in this Month");  
	case 2:
	  	printf("\n Either 28 or 29 Days in this Month");  
	    printf("\n Please enter Valid Number between 1 to 12");
  return 0;
 Please Enter the Month Number 1 to 12 (Consider 1 = January, and 12 = December) :  12

 31 Days in this Month

Let me try different value

 Please Enter the Month Number 1 to 12 (Consider 1 = January, and 12 = December) :  6

 30 Days in this Month