Add Headers and Footers to SSRS Report

In this article, we will show you how to add Headers and Footers to SSRS reports. Or, How to add or remove Page Headers and Footers in the SSRS Report.

Both SSRS Headers and Footers will repeat on each page generated by the Report. These are very helpful for placing the Report Title, Company Logo, Company Address, Report Generated Time, Page Numbers, etc.

For this example, We are going to use the below-shown DataSet. Please refer to the Shared Data Source and Dataset articles to understand the steps involved in creating Shared Data Sources and Dataset that we used for this SSRS report.

The Custom SQL query that we used in the above Dataset is:

-- Add, or Remove Headers and Footers on SSRS Report
SELECT Prodcat.EnglishProductCategoryName,prodSubcat.EnglishProductSubcategoryName,
prod.EnglishProductName, prod.Color, fact.[TotalProductCost], fact.SalesAmount,
fact.TaxAmt, fact.[OrderDate], fact.[ShipDate]
FROM dbo.DimProduct as prod
INNER JOIN dbo.DimProductSubcategory AS prodSubcat ON
prod.ProductSubcategoryKey = prodSubcat.ProductSubcategoryKey
INNER JOIN dbo.DimProductCategory AS Prodcat ON
prodSubcat.ProductCategoryKey = Prodcat.ProductCategoryKey
INNER JOIN dbo.FactInternetSales AS fact ON
fact.ProductKey = prod.ProductKey
WHERE SalesAmount >= 3500

To explain the steps involved in adding or removing Page Headers and Footers in the SSRS Report, We are going to use the below shown report.

Please refer to the Table Report and Format Table articles to understand the creation and formatting of table reports, and see the Grouping in Table article for Grouping techniques.

How to add Headers and Footers to SSRS Report

To add the SSRS Report Headers or Page Headers, right-click on the empty space in the report designer to open the context menu. From it, please select the Insert -> Page Header option.

Now you can see the Page Header in the SSRS Report. You can use this Header to add the Company Logo, and report Name.

Add Headers and Footers to a Report 4

To add the SSRS Report footer or page Footer, right-click on the empty space around the table report in the report designer and select the Insert -> Page Footer option.

Insert Page Footers to a Report 5

Now you can see the Page Footer in the SSRS Report. You can use this Footer to Place the Company Address, Page Numbers, and Report Generated Time.

Add Headers and Footers to a Report 6

For the SSRS headers and footers report demonstration purpose, we will add our Logo to the Page Header. To do so, right-click on the Page Header and select the Image option from the context menu.

Now you can see the Logo, and this Logo will repeat in every Page.

Add Headers and Footers to a Report 8

Let me add a text box with random data to demonstrate the Page footer advantages.

As you can see, we added Report is Generated By Suresh to the text box, and we want this text to repeat in each page. Let me adjust the extra spaces between the Page Header, Table report, and Footer.

Add Headers and Footers to a SSRS Report 11

Now you can see the Logo in the page header

Add Headers and Footers to a SSRS Report preview 12

and text in the same page footer

Add Headers and Footers to a SSRS Report preview 13

Let me open the Last page so that, you can see the Header and Footer in one screenshot

Add Headers and Footers to a SSRS Report 14

Remove Headers and Footers on SSRS Report

It is straightforward to remove Headers and Footers on the SSRS Report. Please right-click on the Page Header and select the Remove Page Header option from the context menu.

Remove Headers and Footers from SSRS Report 15

To remove the Page Footer, Please right-click on the Page Footer. Next, select the Remove Page Footer option from it.

Remove Page Footers in a SSRS Report 16

From the below screenshot, you can see that we successfully removed the Page Header and Footer.

Add Headers and Footers to a SSRS Report 17