The MDX Parent function will return the associate parent member of the specified member. For instance, If you are an Amazon developer and If one of your customers is looking for iPod on As a developer, you have to display all the Apple products at the bottom of the page so that the user can browse other products, and sometimes he may buy them. In these situations, you can use the parent function to find iPod parents by writing something like [Product].[Apple].[iPod].PARENT
MDX Parent Function Example
We have one customer in the Customer Geography Hierarchy called [Antonio G. Patterson]. In this example, we are going to find the [Internet Sales amount] of all the customers who are living in the same postal code as [Antonio G. Patterson].
SELECT [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] ON COLUMNS, [Customer].[Customer Geography].[Customer].[Antonio G. Patterson].PARENT ON ROWS FROM [Adventure Works]
The below statement will place the [Internet Sales Amount] in the columns region.
[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] ON COLUMNS
The below statement will find the parent (One level above) of [Antonio G. Patterson]. As per Customer Geography, Hierarchy Postal Code is the level above the Customers, and [Antonio G. Patterson] lives in 2450 Postal Code.
[Customer].[Customer Geography].[Customer].[Antonio G. Patterson].PARENT
So, below MDX query will calculate the total [Internet Sales Amount] against the Postal Code 2450.
SELECT [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] ON COLUMNS, [Customer].[Customer Geography].[Customer].[Antonio G. Patterson].PARENT ON ROWS FROM [Adventure Works]