Logical Operators in R

The Logical operators in R programming are used to combine two or more conditions, and perform the logical operations using & (Logical AND), | (Logical OR) and ! (Logical NOT).

The Comparison Operators are used to compare two variables, and what if we want to compare more than one condition? Very simple, R logical operators do the trick for you.

The table below describes the Logical Operators.

&ANDIt returns true when both conditions are truec(20, 30) & c(30, 10)
&&ANDSame as the above but, It works on single elementIf (age > 18 && age <= 25)
|ORIt returns true when at-least one of the condition is truec(20, 30) | c(30, 10)
||ORSame as logical OR but, It works on single elementIf (age == 35 || age < 60)
!NOTIf the condition is true, logical NOT operator returns as falseIf age = 18 then !( age = 18) returns false.

Let us see the truth tables behind the logical operators in R programming for better understanding

R LOGICAL AND Truth table

Truth table behind the R logical AND operator is as shown below:

Condition 1Condition 2Condition 1 && Condition 2

R LOGICAL OR Truth table

The Truth table behind the R Programming logical OR operator is as shown below:

Condition 1Condition 2Condition 1 || Condition 2

Basic Logical Operators in R example

This example helps you understand how the logical operators in R Programming used in If statements.

For this logical operators example, we assigned one integer variable. Then, inside the If Statement, we are using basic logical operators such as &&, ||, and !. Please refer to the Comparison Operators in R article.

# Logical Operators in R example

age <- 16
if (!(age > 18)) {
  print("You are Too Young")
} else if(age > 18 && age <= 35) {
  print("Young Guy")
} else if(age == 36 || age <= 60) {
  print("You are Middle Age Person")
} else {
  print("You are too Old")

From the screenshot below, you can observe that we entered age = 16. It means age is not greater than 18, so the First statement printed.

Logical Operators in R Programming 1

Let us see what happens when we change the values. From the screenshot below, see that we have entered age = 29. It means age is between 18 and 35, so the Second statement is printed

Logical Operators in R Programming 2

From the screenshot below, observe that we have entered age = 45. It means age is between 36 and 60, so the third statement is printed

Logical Operators in R Programming 3

From the screenshot below, see that we have entered age = 72.

Logical Operators in R Programming 4

R Logical Operators example

This example helps you understand how each R logical operator work. Remember, any positive integer value greater than zero considered as Boolean TRUE, and 0 considered as Boolean False.

# Logical Operators in R example

num1 <- c(TRUE, FALSE, 0, 23)

# Performs AND operation on each element in both num1, num2 
num1 & num2

# Performs AND operation on first element in both num1, num2 
num1 && num2

# Performs OR operation on each element in both num1, num2 
num1 | num2

# Performs OR operation on first element in both num1, num2 
num1 || num2

This will convert all the num1 TRUE values to FALSE, and FALSE values to TRUE

# From num2 Vector - This will convert all the TRUE values to FALSE, and FALSE to TRUE
Logical Operators in R Programming 5

In these logical operators in r example, first, we declared two vectors

num1 <- c(TRUE, FALSE, 0, 23)

The below statement compare each vector element and find the logical relation.

num1 & num2

The following statement compares the first element of the num1 vector and the first element of the num2 vector. It means, TRUE && FALSE = FALSE.

num1 && num2