Download and Install Python

How to Download and Install Python on Windows (irrespective of the version) with screenshots? Installing the IDE includes the following steps. So, Please follow the Download and Install on Windows steps.

Here, we are downloading and installing on Windows 10. And it is the same for Mac users also.

Steps to Download and Install Python on Windows 10

To download, first Go to the official website by clicking this link Page Link. It shows you the Downloads page of the official website.

Here, you can select the Version. For now, we are selecting the latest version (i.e., 3.6.1). Click on the download Python 3.6.1 button to start the process for Windows 10. Once you click on the button, a pop-up will open to save this file on the local drive. Please select the Save File option.

Official Website to Download 2

Python Install in Windows 10

The step by step approach to installing the latest version on Windows 10.

Step 1: Select the exe file

Please navigate your file system to the Software that we downloaded previously, and click on the exe application (irrespective of the version number) to install IDE on Windows 10. Or, if you downloaded the file using Firefox, then do as shown below. Remember, the version number might be different in your case.

Save the Latest Version Exe File to Local Hard drive 3

Step 2: Hit the Run button

Once you click on the install application, the below-shown pop-up opens. It is a Security warning and may only appear if you have any security measures. Otherwise, skip this and go to step 3.

Hit the Run Button 4

Step 3: Select Install Now

We selected the Install Now option (default). It installs the software on the Windows 10 App Data folder, and it includes the actual software, command prompt, and the default IDE to work with it.

Download and Install Python on windows 10

Step 4: Installation process on Windows 10

Wait until the Python installation is completed on Windows. Next, click the Close button to complete or finish it.

Download and Install Python on windows 10 8

Open IDE

Let me open the IDE to check whether the default IDE is working correctly or not. As you can see, it is working well.

Open default IDE 9