C++ Program to Print Inverted Star Pyramid

Write a C++ Program to Print Inverted Star Pyramid with an example. This C++ program allows us to enter the rows and the symbol to print in the inverted pyramid pattern. Next, the nested for loops will iterate between total rows and 1 to print the * (or given symbol). Here, if k != (2 * i – 1) condition is true, print * otherwise, print empty space.

using namespace std;

int main()
	int i, j, k, rows;
	char ch;
	cout << "\nPlease Enter Inverted Pyramid Star Pattern Rows    =  ";
	cin >> rows;
	cout << "\nPlease Enter Any Symbol to Print  =  ";
	cin >> ch;	
	cout << "\n-----Inverted Pyramid Star Pattern-----\n";
	for ( i = rows ; i >= 1; i-- )  
		for ( j = 0 ; j <= rows - i; j++ ) 
      		cout << " ";   	
		for(k = 0; k != (2 * i - 1); k++)
			cout << ch;
		cout << "\n";

 	return 0;
C++ Program to Print Inverted Star Pyramid 1

C++ Program to Print Inverted Star Pyramid using a While Loop

using namespace std;

int main()
	int i, j, k, rows;
	char ch;
	cout << "\nPlease Enter Inverted Pyramid Star Pattern Rows    =  ";
	cin >> rows;
	cout << "\nPlease Enter Any Symbol to Print  =  ";
	cin >> ch;	
	cout << "\n-----Inverted Pyramid Star Pattern-----\n";
	i = rows ; 
	while(i >= 1 )  
		j = 0 ; 
		while( j <= rows - i) 
      		cout << " ";
      		j++ ;
		k = 0;
		while (k != (2 * i - 1))
			cout << ch;
		cout << "\n";

 	return 0;
Please Enter Inverted Pyramid Star Pattern Rows    =  9

Please Enter Any Symbol to Print  =  #

-----Inverted Pyramid Star Pattern-----