C++ Program to Print ASCII Values of all Characters

As we know, each character has its own ASCII value. In this C++ program, we print the ASCII Values of all the characters. In this C++ code, we used for loop (for(i = 0; i <= 255; i++)) to iterate values from 0 to 255. Within that, each number has converted to a character (char)i ).


using namespace std;

int main()
	int i;
	cout << "\nThe ASCII Values of all the Characters are\n";
	for(i = 0; i <= 255; i++)
		cout << "The ASCII value of " << (char)i << " = " << i << endl;
 	return 0;
C++ Program to Print ASCII Values of all Characters 1

C++ Program to Print ASCII Values of all Characters using a While loop


using namespace std;

int main()
	int i = 0;
	cout << "\nThe ASCII Values of all the Characters are\n";
	while(i <= 255)
		cout << "The ASCII value of " << (char)i << " = " << i << endl;
 	return 0;
The ASCII value of O = 79
The ASCII value of P = 80
The ASCII value of Q = 81
The ASCII value of R = 82
The ASCII value of S = 83
The ASCII value of T = 84
The ASCII value of U = 85
The ASCII value of V = 86
The ASCII value of W = 87

This C++ Print ASCII Values of all Characters example allows users to enter the starting and ending ASCII value. Next, it prints the ASCII Values of all the characters between those numbers.


using namespace std;

int main()
	int i, start, end;
	cout << "\nPlease enter the Starting ASCII Value = ";
	cin >> start;
	cout << "\nPlease enter the Ending ASCII Value = ";
	cin >> end;
	cout << "\nThe ASCII Values of Characters between " << start << " and " << end << " are\n";
	for(i = start; i <= end; i++)
		cout << "The ASCII value of " << (char)i << " = " << i << endl;
 	return 0;
Please enter the Starting ASCII Value = 45

Please enter the Ending ASCII Value = 65

The ASCII Values of Characters between 45 and 65 are
The ASCII value of - = 45
The ASCII value of . = 46
The ASCII value of / = 47
The ASCII value of 0 = 48
The ASCII value of 1 = 49
The ASCII value of 2 = 50
The ASCII value of 3 = 51
The ASCII value of 4 = 52
The ASCII value of 5 = 53
The ASCII value of 6 = 54
The ASCII value of 7 = 55
The ASCII value of 8 = 56
The ASCII value of 9 = 57
The ASCII value of : = 58
The ASCII value of ; = 59
The ASCII value of < = 60
The ASCII value of = = 61
The ASCII value of > = 62
The ASCII value of ? = 63
The ASCII value of @ = 64
The ASCII value of A = 65