C++ Program to Find Sum of Matrix Diagonal

Write a C++ Program to Find the Sum of Matrix Diagonal with an example. In this C++ example, we used for loop to iterate matrix rows and adding items of the diagonal items (sum = sum + sumDgnalArr[rows][rows]).

using namespace std;

int main()
	int i, j, rows, columns, sum = 0;
	cout << "\nPlease Enter the rows and Columns =  ";
	cin >> i >> j;
	int sumDgnalArr[i][j];
	cout << "\nPlease Enter the Items\n";
	for(rows = 0; rows < i; rows++)	{
		for(columns = 0; columns < i; columns++) {
			cin >> sumDgnalArr[rows][columns];

 	for(rows = 0; rows < i; rows++)
  		sum = sum + sumDgnalArr[rows][rows];
  	cout << "\nThe Sum of Diagonal Elements = " << sum;

 	return 0;
Please Enter the rows and Columns =  3 3

Please Enter the Items
10 20 30
40 50 60
70 80 90

The Sum of Diagonal Elements = 150

In this C++ program to calculate the sum of the Matrix Diagonal, we used extra cout statements to show you the iteration number, row, column value, and the total at each iteration.

using namespace std;

int main()
	int i, j, rows, columns, sum = 0;
	cout << "\nPlease Enter Matrix rows and Columns to find Diagonal Sum =  ";
	cin >> i >> j;
	int sumDgnalArr[i][j];
	cout << "\nPlease Enter the Matrix Items\n";
	for(rows = 0; rows < i; rows++)	{
		for(columns = 0; columns < i; columns++) {
			cin >> sumDgnalArr[rows][columns];

 	for(rows = 0; rows < i; rows++)
  		cout << "\nIteration = " << rows + 1 << ", Row Number = " << rows << " and Sum = " << sum;
  		sum = sum + sumDgnalArr[rows][rows]; 		
		cout <<  "\nsumDgnalArr["<<rows<<"]["<< rows <<"] = " << sumDgnalArr[rows][rows] << 
			" and sum + sumDgnalArr["<<rows<<"]["<<rows <<"] = " << sum << endl;
  	cout << "\nThe Sum of Diagonal Elements in this Matrix = " << sum;

 	return 0;
C++ Program to Find Sum of Matrix Diagonal 2

C++ Program to Find Sum of Matrix Diagonal using a While Loop

using namespace std;

int main()
	int i, j, rows, columns, sum = 0;
	cout << "\nPlease Enter rows and Columns =  ";
	cin >> i >> j;
	int sumDgnalArr[i][j];
	cout << "\nPlease Enter the Items\n";
	for(rows = 0; rows < i; rows++)	{
		for(columns = 0; columns < i; columns++) {
			cin >> sumDgnalArr[rows][columns];

 	rows = 0; 
	while(rows < i)
  		sum = sum + sumDgnalArr[rows][rows];
  	cout << "\nThe Sum of Diagonal Elements = " << sum;

 	return 0;
Please Enter rows and Columns =  3 3

Please Enter the Items
10 22 33
44 55 66
77 88 99

The Sum of Diagonal Elements = 164