C++ Program to Calculate Student Marks

Write a C++ Program to Calculate Student Marks with example. The below shown C++ program allows entering five different subjects marks. Next, it calculates the total, average, and percentage of those five subjects and prints the result.


using namespace std;

int main()
	int english, chemistry, computers, physics, maths; 
    float total, average, percentage;

    cout << "Please Enter the marks of five subjects: \n";
    cin >> english >> chemistry >> computers >> physics >> maths;

    total = english + chemistry + computers + physics + maths;
    average = total / 5;
    percentage = (total / (500)) * 100;

    cout << "\nTotal Marks      = " << total;
    cout << "\nAverage Marks    = " << average;
    cout << "\nMarks Percentage = " << percentage;
 	return 0;
Please Enter the marks of five subjects: 
50 60 45 70 85

Total Marks      = 310
Average Marks    = 62
Marks Percentage = 62

C++ Program to Calculate Student Marks Example 2

This C++ program allows the user to choose the total number of student subjects. Next, it calculated the student marks.


using namespace std;

int main()
	int totalSubjects; 
    float marks, total = 0, average, percentage;

    cout << "Please Enter the Total Number of subjects = ";
    cin >> totalSubjects;
	cout << "Please Enter the Marks for each subjects = ";
	for(int i = 0; i < totalSubjects; i++)
		cin >> marks;
		total = total + marks;
    average = total / totalSubjects;
    percentage = (total / (totalSubjects * 100)) * 100;

    cout << "\nTotal Marks      = " << total;
    cout << "\nAverage Marks    = " << average;
    cout << "\nMarks Percentage = " << percentage;
 	return 0;
C++ Program to Calculate Student Marks