C Program to Print Right Triangle of Consecutive Row Alphabets Pattern

Write a C program to print right triangle of consecutive row alphabets pattern using for loop.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
	int alphabet, val, rows;

	printf("Enter Right Triangle of Consecutive Row Alphabets Rows = ");
	scanf("%d", &rows);

	printf("Right Triangle of Consecutive Row Alphabets Pattern\n");
	alphabet = 64;

	for (int i = 1; i <= rows; i++)
		val = i;
		for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++)
			printf("%c ", alphabet + val);
			val = val + rows - j;
C Program to Print Right Triangle of Consecutive Row Alphabets Pattern

This C program displays the right angled triangle of consecutive alphabets using a while loop.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
	int i, j, alphabet, val, rows;

	printf("Enter Right Triangle of Consecutive Row Alphabets Rows = ");
	scanf("%d", &rows);

	printf("Right Triangle of Consecutive Row Alphabets Pattern\n");
	alphabet = 64;
	i = 1;

	while (i <= rows)
		val = i;
		j = 1;

		while (j <= i)
			printf("%c ", alphabet + val);
			val = val + rows - j;
Enter Right Triangle of Consecutive Row Alphabets Rows = 9
Right Triangle of Consecutive Row Alphabets Pattern
B J 
C K R 
D L S Y 
E M T Z _ 
F N U [ ` d 
G O V \ a e h 
H P W ] b f i k 
I Q X ^ c g j l m 

This C example code uses the do while loop to print the right angled triangle of consecutive row alphabets pattern.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
	int i, j, alphabet, val, rows;

	printf("Enter Right Triangle of Consecutive Row Alphabets Rows = ");
	scanf("%d", &rows);

	printf("Right Triangle of Consecutive Row Alphabets Pattern\n");
	alphabet = 64;
	i = 1;

		val = i;
		j = 1;

			printf("%c ", alphabet + val);
			val = val + rows - j;

		} while (++j <= i);

	} while (++i <= rows);
Enter Right Triangle of Consecutive Row Alphabets Rows = 10
Right Triangle of Consecutive Row Alphabets Pattern
B K 
C L T 
D M U \ 
E N V ] c 
F O W ^ d i 
G P X _ e j n 
H Q Y ` f k o r 
I R Z a g l p s u 
J S [ b h m q t v w