C Program to Calculate Area of a Rectangle

How to Write C Program to Calculate the Area Of a Rectangle and the Perimeter of a Rectangle with an example? Before we step into the C program, let’s see the definitions and formulas to calculate the Area and Perimeter Of a Rectangle.

Area of a Rectangle

If we know the width and height, we can calculate the area of a rectangle using the below formula.

Area = Width * Height

Perimeter is the distance around the edges. We can calculate the perimeter of a rectangle using the below formula.

Perimeter = 2 * (Width + Height)

C Program to Calculate Area of a Rectangle and Perimeter of a Rectangle

This C Program allows the user to enter the width and height of the rectangle. Using those values, we will calculate the Area of a rectangle and the perimeter of a rectangle.

int main()
  float width, height, Area, Perimeter; 

  printf ("\n Please Enter the Width and Height of the rectangle \n");
  scanf (" %f %f ",&width, &height);

  Area = width * height;
  Perimeter = 2 *(width + height);

  printf("\n Area of a rectangle is: %.2f", Area);
  printf("\n Perimeter of a rectangle is: %.2f", Perimeter);

  return 0;
C Program to Calculate Area and Perimeter of a Rectangle

The following statements in this program will allow the User to enter the Width and Height of a rectangle.

 printf ("\n Please Enter the Width and Height of the rectangle \n");
  scanf (" %f %f ",&width, &height);

Next, we calculate the area as per the formula.

Area = width * height

In the next line of the C Program to Calculate Area of a Rectangle example, we are calculating the Perimeter of the rectangle.

Perimeter = 2 *(width + height)

The following Programming printf statements will help us to print the Perimeter and Area of a rectangle.

  printf("\n Area of a rectangle is: %.2f", Area);
  printf("\n Perimeter of a rectangle is: %.2f", Perimeter);