Java Program to Compute Quotient and Remainder

Write a Java Program to compute the quotient and remainder with an example. In this programming language, we have / and % operators to find the quotient and remainder. This example allows the user to enter two integer values and calculates the same. package SimpleNumberPrograms; import java.util.Scanner; public class QuotientRemainder { private static Scanner sc; … Read more

Java Program to Add Two Complex Numbers

Write a Java program to add two complex numbers with an example. Unfortunately, complex Numbers have a real part and an imaginary part, and it is tricky to perform addition on two of them.  For example, 5 + 10i means 5 is a real part, and 10 is an imaginary part. And adding another one … Read more

Java Program to Create a Simple Calculator

Write a Java Program to create a Simple Calculator using a switch case and Else if statement. The first example allows entering two numeric values and the operator to perform calculations. Next, we used the switch case to perform computations based on the given operator. For example, if we enter +, the switch case will … Read more