Python NumPy tile

The python numpy tile function repeats the array elements for a given number of times and constructs a new array. This method will consider the input array as a tile or piece and repeat for a given number of times vertically and horizontally. numpy.tile(arr, repetition) This Python numpy tile method will return a 1D, 2D, … Read more

Python NumPy logspace

The Python numpy logspace function generate evenly spaced numbers on a log scale within a range. The syntax of the numpy logspace is numpy.logspace(start, stop, num = 50, endpoint = True, base = 10.0, dtype=None, axis = 0) The arguments of the Python numpy logspace array function are Python numpy logspace It is a simple … Read more

Python numpy digitize

The Python numpy digitize function returns the indices of the bins to which the array elements belong. The syntax of this array digitize method is numpy.digitize(a, bins, right = False) If a value(s) is beyond the bins boundary, the Python numpy array digitize method returns 0 or len(bins). a – Array of Values bins – … Read more

Python numpy prod

The Python numpy prod() function calculates the product or multiplication of all the elements in a given array along the specified axis. Syntax The syntax of this statistical Python numpy prod() method is, axis = None, dtype = None, out = None, keepdims = <no value>, initial = <no value>, where = <no value>) … Read more

Python numpy max

The Python numpy max() function finds the maximum element in a given array along the specified axis. Syntax The syntax of this statistical Python numpy max() method is numpy.max(a, axis = None, out = None, keepdims = <no value>, initial = <no value>, where = <no value>) Here, a is a ndarray that is mandatory, … Read more

Python numpy min

The Python numpy min() function finds the minimum element in a given array along the specified axis. Syntax The syntax of this statistical Python numpy min() method is numpy.min(a, axis = None, out = None, keepdims = <no value>, initial = <no value>, where = <no value>) Here, a is a ndarray that is mandatory, … Read more

Python numpy sum

The Python numpy sum() function helps compute the total or sum of all the elements in a given array along the specified axis. Syntax The syntax of this statistical Python numpy sum method is numpy.sum(a, axis = None, dtype = None, out = None, keepdims = <no value>, initial = <no value>, where = <no … Read more

Python numpy degrees

The Python numpy degrees is a trigonometric function to convert the angles from radian to degrees. For instance, π radian = 180 and 2π = 360 degrees. Syntax The syntax of this mathematical method is numpy.degrees(a, axis = None, dtype = None, out = None) Python numpy degrees Example In this example, we declared two … Read more

Python numpy radians

The Python numpy radians is a trigonometric function to convert the angles from degrees to radians. For instance, 180 degrees = π and 360˚= 2π radians. Syntax The syntax of this mathematical method is numpy.radians(a, axis = None, dtype = None, out = None) Python numpy radians Example In this example, we declared two one-dimensional … Read more

Python numpy average of an Array

The Python numpy average() function helps compute the weighted average of a given array along the specified axis. Python numpy average Syntax The syntax of this statistical method is numpy.average(a, axis = None, weights = None, returned = False, *, keepdims = <no value>) The arguments are a = Array If you specify the axis … Read more